Sunday, December 6, 2015

Past Canning

This summer we tried our hand at cannning and making jelly for the first time. Both of our grandmothers had done this in the past and we both remembered bit and pieces of this from our childhood.

We post a few of what we did this year and next year more of the process.

Apricot Jelly

Raspberry, Blueberry, and Plum (Wild Plum)
We've got wild plum growing all over family property.



(Bear with us as we learn to format things on these pages)

The pickes were 2 batches.
  1. Kosher Dill (slices and spears) and Bread and Butter
  2. Kosher Dill spears

Not being a fan of Bread and Butter those were given away and Dills were kept. Had great reviews of both the dills and the Bread and Butter.

The jellys turnd out AWESOME. ... Some were a but runny but a bit longer cook will cure that..

Salsa was a good, not to spicy, eat and eat and eat salsa ... all ingredents were from the farmers market or from our garden.

Can't wat until next year !!!

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