Sunday, December 6, 2015

Enlarging the Garden

    We planted a garden for the first time in a number of years last year. Decided on a little 42x42 raised garden kit from Home Depot. We also purchased some gutter materials and a water storage tank (330 gallon).

 Since we we still in our drought at that time I first got the gutter installed (about 20 ft) and the barrel in place. then went on to the garden.

I installed the garden, placed in some soil and selected some plants. We chose green onions, red, yellow, and green bell peppers (one of each) and 2 Celeberty tomato plants.

Then the rains came .... and did not leave for a while. At least it got us out of the drought.

The onions did well, but the peppers never produced. Tomatos did very well.

So this past fall I decided to enlarge the garden. 10x12

The PVC pipe is for a small solar powered sprinkler system that runs along the outside edge( A corner sprinkler in each corner and
2 360 degrees on center line in each 3rd of garden)
Link to new garden

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